This should be a generic animal
cell, not a specific cell type, and include as many subcellular
structures as you can think of, even if not all of them are likely to
be found in the same cell at the same time.
Label each structure.
Be sure that each structure is distinctive: anyone looking at your
drawing should be able to tell which structure is which, even without
your labels.
Study Hint: a good way to study,
especially in a study group, would be for each person to make such a
drawing without labels, and then exchange papers. Label each
others' drawings. See how many labels are correct.
Are errors due to the labeler? -- in this case the labeler needs to
study more
Are errors due to the
drawing being unclear or incomplete, or incorrect? -- in this case the
drawer needs to study more
Perhaps both types of errors occur ....
For each structure you should know
- at least:
what does the structure look like?
is it bounded by a membrane? a
double membrane? If so, then it should be drawn looking hollow!
does it have other peculiarities?
be sure to show these
is there a specific location that the
structure is found, or might it be found anywhere? what are the
limitations on its location?
does it have structures within it that
also must be drawn?