How stem cells are made

inside a cell

Embryo pictures

Stem Cells - NIH

Coriell Institute for Medical Research for Stem Cell Banks: follow link to cell repositories

approaches using genetics


Ex situ cryoconservation of genomes and genes of endangered cattle breeds by means of modern biotechnological methods - U. N.

Introduction to genetics and gene therapy   -- especially look at the "handbook" link

Cloning according to MedicineNet

Cloning - according to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

Ethics of Cloning

Human Embryos and Cloning - according to the Australian government

Biotechnological Controversies - link to links

International Society for Stem Cell research - FAQs

Ethics links to more links

The bionic god - a moral defense of human embyonic stem cell use

The dueling twins - on stem cells

Stem Cell Antibodies

Organ Transplantation, then and now