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Part I: [ pts]: Choose the one BEST answer. Circle its letter. Read each question and all 5 choices carefully because more than one answer might seem correct at first glance. 1 pt each
1. The outermost connective tissue layer which encircles an entire
a. epimysium
b. perimysium
c. endomysium
d. aponeurosis
e. tendon
2. Which type of joint is monaxial?
a. pivot
b. hinge
c. condyloid
d. a and b
e. all of the above
3. Inferior cerebellar peduncles
a. carry impulses between cerebrum and cerebellum in both directions
b. carry impulses between the cerebellum and medulla in both directions
c. carry impulses between the cerebellum and spinal cord in both
d. include only ascending tracts
e. include only descending tracts
4. Neuroglia responsible for producing myelin sheaths in the
nervous system are
a. Schwann cells
b. oligodendrocytes
c. microglia
d. satellite cells
e. peripheral nerves do not become myelinated
5. Impulses between many parts of the brain and the spinal cord
and descend via the
a. pons
b. thalamus
c. cerebrum
d. medulla oblongata
e. cerebellum
6. CSF flows from the lateral ventricles to the third ventricle
a. foramina of Monro
b. aqueduct of Sylvius
c. subarachnoid space
d. arachnoid villi
e. CSF is made in third ventricle and flows from there to lateral
not the other way
7. A bundle of nerve fibers in the central nervous system is
a. always myelinated
b. a tract
c. always either ascending or descending
d. a and b
e. all of the above
8. The brain stem consists of
a. medulla oblongata
b. pons
c. cerebrum
d. a and b
e. all of the above
9,10. Name two structures associated with or part of the mesencephalon
11. Which of the following is the principal relay "station" for
impulses from the spinal cord to the cerebral cortex?
a. hypothalamus
b. epithalamus
c. thalamus
d. pons
e. midbrain
12. Movement of the sole outward or laterally so that the soles face
away from each other is
a. eversion
b. supination
c. plantar flexion
d. pronation
e. dorsiflexion
13. The ability to respond to certain stimuli by producing
potentials or signals is
a. elasticity
b. extensibility
c. excitability
d. contractility
e. heat production
14. Basal ganglia are involved (primarily) in control of
a. breathing
b. emotions
c. subconscious voluntary movements
d. autonomic nervous system
e. sensory information association areas
15. Which part of the brain is responsible for coordinating skeletal
muscle contractions for skilled (learned) movements, and regulating
and position?
a. cerebrum
b. pons
c. cerebellum
d. midbrain
e. thalamus
16. Which type of muscle is located in the walls of hollow internal
organs and in the skin associated with hair follicles?
a. smooth
b. skeletal
c. cardiac
d. a and b
e. all of the above
17. Muscle functions include all of the following EXCEPT
a. body movements
b. heat production
c. movement of materials within the body
d. maintaining position
e. none of the above -- all ARE muscle functions
18. Hair immediately superior to upper eyelids is
a. eyelashes
b. supercilia
c. lacrimal caruncle
d. tragus
e. none of the above - this structure has no special name
19. Skeletal muscle is composed of a large number of very long,
cells called
a. myofibers
b. muscle fibers
c. myofibrils
d. a and b
e. all of the above
20. The hypothalamus is connected to the pituitary (hypophysis) by
a. infundibulum
b. hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract
c. sella turcica
d. a and b
e. all of the above
21. Protein synthesis in neurons takes place (in large quantity) in
a. axons
b. Nissl bodies or substance
c. nuclei
d. cortex
e. all of the above
22. Which of the following are muscles of the back?
a. latissimus dorsi
b. erector spinae
c. infraspinatus
d. teres major
e. all of the above
23. The pyramids of the medulla are (primarily)
a. ventral
b. dorsal
c. lateral (wall)
d. sensory data pathways
e. Egyptian
24-27 (6 points) how can a muscle fiber (or a group of them) make a bone move? Describe how they are connected using the correct terminology [that means that the answer is essentially a list plus brief explanation]
Part II: Choose 6 of the following 7 questions. 10 points each [total 60 points] NOTE: you must answer 1-2
1-2. Two distinct lever systems are used to plantar flex the foot depending on whether the foot is free or resting on a solid surface (pointing the toes versus standing on toes). Describe these two systems, naming the main bones and muscles involved, and explaining their functions. Which are the major agonists/ synergists/ antagonists for flexion? -- for extension of the foot? Diagram the entire system, and label your diagram.
Two distinct lever systems are employed in order to flex and extend the forearm. Describe these two systems, naming the bones and muscles involved, and explaining their functions. Which are the major agonists/ synergists/ antagonists for flexion? -- for extension? Diagram the entire system, and label your diagram.
3. What is the relationship between the shape and arrangement of
fascicles and muscle function, that is, strength and range of movement?
Name and sketch the different types of fascicle arrangement and compare
their relative strengths and ranges of movement by filling in the
If you believe that additional comments will clarify your answer, feel
free to make notations. If you wish to add more lines (or do not need
of these) to complete the answer, you may.
(specific name) |
relative strength (high/low/medium) | range of motion (high/low/medium) | sketch |
4. Choose a movement to demonstrate a class II lever.
(a) sketch the lever system, showing - and labeling (by proper name): the primary skeletal elements
and the agonist
(b) indicate the position of the fulcrum, "weight", and "force" positions and directions of force/movement
(c) name the primary antagonist
(d) name at least two synergists and explain the synergy.
(e) remember to label the sketch: which lever are you illustrating & what movement have you chosen for
that demonstration?
(f) include any explanation needed to clarify your demonstration. A labeled diagram alone is NOT
sufficient. Follow the guidelines.
5. Describe the structures which protect the central nervous system from physical damage. A labeled diagram may help but is NOT sufficient. Name and describe the structures themselves, and briefly explain how they function as protection for the CNS structures. Be sure that you include: where cerebrospinal is fluid made & where it goes; not just a list of the meninges - briefly describe their structures, functions, etc.
6. Describe a "typical" synovial joint, and diagram its components. One way to answer this is to describe, briefly, the function of each labeled part. Bonus: include menisci
7. List the different categories of joints, relating structure to mobility. A table (chart) is probably the most straight-forward way to do this. For each structural category (synovial, for example), give an example of one in the body. [This does not ask about, for example, "gliding" versus "hinge", but rather extent of movement possible] bonus for examples that don’t fit the rules.
bonus: Write a question that you studied for, and forgetful me, I neglected to ask. Answer your question. PLEASE ask yourself something you can answer well! PLEASE answer the question you actually ask. [up to 5 points awarded based on question & answer]