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Part I: [34 pts]: Choose the one BEST answer. Circle its letter, write it in the blank, or fill in the blank, as indicated. Read each question and all the choices carefully because more than one answer might seem correct at first glance. For the non-standard questions, read instructions carefully! 1 pt each
1. Proprioceptors
a. are located in muscles, tendons and joints
b. provide information about body position
c. provide information about body movement
d. a and b
e. all of the above
2. Functions of the lymphatic system include
a. draining interstitial fluid
b. transporting dietary fats
c. protecting against invasion
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
3. What cranial nerve serves the anterior 2/3 part of the tongue?
a. cranial nerve #1
b. cranial nerve #3
c. cranial nerve #5
d. cranial nerve #7
e. all of the above
4. Papillae are:
a. receptors for gustatory sensations
b. elevations on the tongue
c. hair like structures
d. found in the ear
e. none of the above
5. The palpebrae
a. shade the eyes during sleep
b. are known as eyelids
c. protect the eyes
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
6. Which is NOT true of exocrine glands?
a. secretes its products into ducts
b. secretes its products into extracellular space
c. include mucous, oil, sweat, and digestive glands
d. a and b
e. all of the above ARE true
7. The optic disk is
a. where the optic nerve exits the eyeball
b. the area with the highest density of cones
c. the area with the highest density of rods
d. the entire retina
e. the region of the retina onto which the lens focuses
8. The flow of lymph is
a. aided by a pressure gradient difference - toward the thoracic
b. maintained primarily by the milking action of muscles
c. possible because of valves in lymphatic vessels
d. a and b
e. all of the above
9. Which of the following empties directly into the inferior vena
a. superior mesenteric vein
b. hepatic portal vein
c. renal vein
d. jugular vein
e. coronary sinus
10. The septal opening between the right and left atria in the fetal
heart is the
a. foramen ovale
b. fossa ovalis
c. ductus arteriosus
d. ductus venosus
e. an unusual abnormality that can now be repaired surgically
11. The autonomic nervous system
a. has two parts, the parasympathetic which controls all normal
and the sympathetic which controls the same functions but to a greater
b. is the part of our nervous system controlling all reflexes
c. does not function when the body is subjected to stress situations
d. has two divisions that often act antagonistically, one
the effects of the other
e. is completely separate, structurally and functionally, from the
12. Capillary walls are composed of
a. a single layer of endothelial cells
b. basement membrane
c. tunica media
d. a and b
e. all of the above
13. Which of the following is transparent?
a. cornea
b. lens
c. vitreous humor
d. a and b
e. all of the above
14. The middle ear communicates directly with each of the following
a. Eustachian (auditory) tube
b. outer ear
c. inner ear
d. round window
e. cranial nerve VIII (vestibulocochlear)
15. Balance requires all of the following EXCEPT
a. semi-circular canals
b. equilibrated air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
c. proprioception
d. scala tympani
e. cranial nerve VIII (vestibulocochlear)
16. Parasympathetic ganglia are typically located
a. in a chain parallel to the spinal cord
b. in the dorsal roots of the spinal cord
c. in the brain
d. next to or within the target organ
e. the parasympathetic system does not typically have ganglia
17. The conduction of a sound vibration from the middle ear to the
ear is by vibration of the
a. malleus against the tympanic membrane
b. stapes in the oval window
c. incus in the round window
d. stapes against the tympanic membrane
e. otic hairs
18. Which of the following is NOT a function of vitreous humor?
a. maintaining pressure on the retina to hold it in place
b. supplying nutrients to, and removing wastes from the retina
c. supplying nutrients to, and removing wastes from the lens
d. maintaining the shape of the eye
e. keeping the anterior surface of the lens moist
19. What structure regulates the amount of light passing to the
receptors of the eye?
a. aqueous humor
b. cornea
c. iris
d. lens
e. retina
20. Approximately what proportion of total blood volume is found in
systemic veins and venules?
a. 10%
b. 25%
c. 60%
d. 75%
e. 90%
21. The ciliary muscle
a. deforms the lens for focusing
b. opens and closes the pupil in low and bright light
c. acts as a sphincter to control the flow of aqueous humor
d. move the eye (eyeball) for tracking moving objects
e. opens the eyelid
22. Perilymph is found
a. between the bony and membranous labyrinths
b. in the utricle
c. in the saccule
d. in the organ of Corti
e. in the middle ear
23. Which of the following lists endocrine glands in cranio-caudal
a. parathyroid - pituitary - adrenal medulla - testes
b. thyroid - thymus - pancreas - ovary
c. pituitary - pancreas - thyroid - testes
d. pineal - adrenal medulla - thyroid - thymus
e. none of the above
24. What causes the "lubb" sound in "lubb-dupp"?
a. the atrioventricular valves opening
b. the semilunar valves opening
c. the atrioventricular valves closing
d. the semilunar valves closing
e. blood rushing from the heart
25. Blood returning to the heart from the colon will pass through
a. inferior mesenteric vein
b. hepatic portal vein
c. inferior vena cava
d. a and b
e. all of the above
26. The endocrine gland that is derived from the neural crest during
embryological development is the
a. pancreas
b. adrenal medulla
c. anterior pituitary
d. thymus
e. thyroid
27. All of the following have three cusps except
a. right atrioventricular valve
b. left atrioventricular valve
c. aortic semilunar valve
d. pulmonary semilunar valve
e. none of the above have any cusps
28. Opening the posterior aspect of the mediastinum, one would see
a. left and right pulmonary arteries
b. left and right pulmonary veins
c. ascending aorta
d. coronary sulcus
e. all of the above
29. Which of the following is found in (or is part of) the left
a. mitral (bicuspid) valve
b. papillary muscle
c. trabeculae carneae
d. a and b
e. all of the above
30. Which of the following organs or tissues have endocrine
and are located in the abdominal cavity?
a. thymus and thyroid
b. adrenal and testis
c. thyroid and pancreas
d. parathyroid and adrenal
e. pancreas and ovary
circle the correct choice. Note that there are 4 circles per statement.
31-2. The sympathetic nervous system is characterized by (long/short)(myelinated/unmyelinated) pre-ganglionic fibers and (long/short)(myelinated/unmyelinated) post-ganglionic fibers.
33-4. The parasympathetic nervous system is characterized by (long/short)(myelinated/unmyelinated) pre-ganglionic fibers and (long/short)(myelinated/unmyelinated) post-ganglionic fibers.
Bonus [3 points]: explain the significance of this pattern in terms of function.
II. [6 points] Name and briefly describe the three layers of the heart :
NAME DESCRIBE (what is it made of mostly)
Part III: Choose 6 of the following 7 questions. 10 points each [total 60 points]. Be sure that your answer is focussed. Wrong answers cost points, even when they should not have been included in the first place. Labeled diagrams may be helpful, but are NOT enough - except for the questions about routes (#1,2)
1. A snake bit your toe (OK - my toe). Trace a path the venom would take to your/my brain. E.C.: Describe another - different (not just left/right - there have to be different name(s) involved) path. 1 pt each.
2. Your left ear lobe is throbbing. You eat some magic medication (water soluble) which is supposed to rush straight to the problem (not the brain!) and fix it. List - in order! - the structures through which this magic medication will pass to get to your ear. E.C. [1 pts] how would this answer be different if your right ear hurt?
3, 4. [20 pts] For each of the following [a-e], briefly describe the three main layers of vessel wall: what it is made of; its proportionate size or thickness; how its structure relates to its function. You may, if you choose, write this as a comparison, or describe each vessel type individually:
a. elastic artery
b. muscular artery
c. vein
d. blood capillary
e. lymphatic vessel
f. The structure of valves in the circulatory system varies according to the specific requirements of different parts of the system. Compare the structure of atrioventricular, semilunar, and venous valves, and relate the structural characteristics to the function and general situation of each.
5. Describe the routing of blood through the heart. Why is it important that we have a four chambered heart? (Hint: a useful approach is to describe the specific function of each chamber, individually)
6. The fetal circulatory system differs from the adult in a few significant structures. Identify three specific examples. Describe each [2.5 points each] in terms of its location, how the fetal form differs from the adult, and how this relates to the different needs of the fetus and adult human [2.5 points - all one answer].
7. Draw the structure of the ear, labeling the major structures for hearing and equilibrium. Trace the path of sound, and briefly explain how we hear.
8. Draw the eyeball (it is NOT necessary to include extrinsic muscles). Label the structures. Show the path light takes for vision. Show where nerve impulses originate, and how (the path they take) they leave the eyeball toward the brain.
bonus: Write a question that you studied for, and forgetful me, I neglected to ask. Answer your question. PLEASE ask yourself something you can answer well! PLEASE answer the question you actually ask. [up to 5 points awarded based on question & answer]