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HUMAN ANATOMY - BIOL 11          EXAM 4 - December 12, 1996                 NAME:

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Part I: [30 pts]: Choose the one BEST answer. Circle its letter. Read each question and all 5 choices carefully because more than one answer might seem correct at first glance. 1 pt each

1. The proximal end of the trachea is the
a. larynx
b. laryngopharynx
c. hyoid bone
d. oropharynx
e. internal nares

2. Which of the following does NOT participate in draining blood from the kidney?
a. renal vein
b. efferent arteriole
c. hepatic portal vein
d. arcuate vein
e. none of the above (all do participate)

3. In the fetal circulation, blood containing the highest concentration of oxygen is in
a. umbilical arteries
b. umbilical vein
c. pulmonary arteries
d. pulmonary veins
e. ductus arteriosus

4. Lipids and lipid soluble material is drained from the intestines by
a. edema
b. lacteal
c. lipoprotein
d. Peyer's patches
e. hepatic portal system

5. The glomerular (Bowman's) capsule and the glomerulus (capillaries) constitute the
a. nephron
b. renal corpuscle
c. renal tubule
d. kidney
e. pyramid

6. Most of the thickness of the uterine wall represents the
a. endometrium
b. epimetrium
c. myometrium
d. perimetrium
e. cervix

7. Which of the following is NOT part of the nose?
a. external nares
b. internal nares
c. superior concha
d. inferior concha
e. all of the above are part of the nose

8. Blood leaving the kidney exits through the
a. renal vein
b. efferent arteriole
c. hepatic portal vein
d. inferior mesenteric vein
e. arcuate vein

9. Blood drains from the liver and other abdominal organs to the heart via
a. hepatic portal vein
b. inferior vena cava
c. hepatic vein
d. ascending aorta
e. descending aorta

10. Materials (and/or vessels, etc.) enter and leave the pulp cavity of a tooth via
a. cementum
b. periodontal membrane
c. root canal
d. enamel
e. gingiva

11. Kupffer cells are similar to
a. chief cells
b. macrophages
c. interstitial cells
d. sustentacular cells
e. myometrial cells

12. Capillaries are found near almost every cell in the body except in
a. cornea and lens (of the eye)
b. cartilage
c. epithelial tissue
d. a and b
e. all of the above

13. Which of the following is NOT a stage of kidney development?
a. endonephros
b. pronephros
c. mesonephros
d. metanephros
e. none of the above -- all ARE types or stages of kidney

14. The submucosa of the duodenum contains
a. Brunner's glands
b. Auerbach's plexus
c. crypts of Lieberkuhn
d. Peyer's patches
e. all of the above

15. Which of the following lymph organs is found in the abdominal cavity only?
a. thymus
b. lymph node
c. lymph nodule
d. spleen
e. tonsil

16. Which of the following is NOT part of the male reproductive system?
a. scrotum
b. vas deferens
c. epididymis
d. prostate
e. none of the above -- all ARE parts of the male reproductive system

17. Which of the following is not part of the conduction portion of the respiratory system?
a. bronchus
b. pharynx
c. larynx
d. alveolus
e. trachea

18. Which is NOT part of the small intestine?
a. jejunum
b. duodenum
c. ileum
d. ilium
e. none of the above -- all are part of the small intestine

19. Semen is produced (at least in part) by
a. prostate
b. seminal vesicles
c. testes
d. a and b
e. all of the above

20. The vermiform appendix
a. is an outpocketing of the cecum
b. has no known function
c. is found in the lower right quadrant
d. a and b
e. all of the above

21. The functional unit of the kidney is the
a. minor calyx
b. major calyx
c. renal corpuscle
d. nephron
e. renal pyramid

22. The peritoneal fold that droops over the transverse colon and small intestine "like a fatty apron" is
a. greater omentum
b. lesser omentum
c. mesentery
d. a and b
e. all of the above

23. The cardia, fundus, body, and pylorus are all part of the
a. stomach
b. duodenum
c. small intestine
d. large intestine
e. all of the above

24. Which is NOT a function of the spleen?
a. filtration of lymph
b. filtration of blood cells, especially erythrocytes
c. phagocytosis of bacteria
d. lymphocyte storage and site of maturation
e. all of the above; the spleen is an endocrine gland

What is normally excreted via: (state main waste product, or "none")

25. mouth:

26. anus:

27. nose:

28. skin:

29. urethra:

30. gonad

Part II. Short answer [credit as indicated]

1. [5 pts] Draw a liver lobule and label the following parts:

A. central vein
B. sinusoid
C. hepatocyte
D. hepatic portal vein (branch)
E. hepatic artery (branch)
F. bile duct
G. bile canaliculus
H. Kupffer cell
I. draw an arrow showing path and direction of blood flow
J. draw an arrow showing path and direction of bile flow

2. [6 pts] For each of the following structures, write the structure that is homologous to it in the male or female, respectively. If none, explain (e.g. "the same in male & female"; "no counterpart or homologous structure in the other sex", etc.)





labia majora


3. [5 pts] Fill in the blanks to complete the table:

embryonic structure adult structure
ductus arteriosus


indifferent gonad

ligamentum teres

fossa ovale

 Part III. [10 pts] Briefly describe the functions of the following 2 points each

1. seminiferous tubules

2. fimbriae

3. kidney

4. corpus spongiosum

5. surfactant (in lung alveoli)

Part IV: [45 pts] Short answer: Be brief, focussed, and complete. A list, with brief explanations as necessary, would be a good way to answer many, if not all of these questions. Sometimes a drawing helps illustrate a point. However, a drawing by itself is NOT an explanation - be sure to state what you are trying to illustrate! You may omit 20 points worth from this section or omit 15; use this 5 pts instead of the "write your own"

strategy hint: read all the questions; choose carefully; answer in the order YOU KNOW BEST!

BONUS: Write a question that you studied for, and forgetful me, I neglected to ask. Answer your question. PLEASE ask yourself something you can answer well! PLEASE answer the question you actually ask. [up to 5 points awarded based on question & answer]

1. [10 points] The fetal circulatory system differs from the adult in a few significant structures. Identify three specific examples. Describe each [2.5 pts each] in terms of its location, how the fetal form differs from the adult, and how this relates to the different needs of the fetus and adult human [2.5 pts - all one answer]

2. [5 pts] Briefly describe how we inhale and exhale: what muscles are used (primarily) and what parts of the body are moved in which direction for inhalation; for exhalation

3. [5 pts] Describe the anatomy of the pharynx in order to explain how air is directed to the lungs and nose, while solid and liquid materials are prevented from entering these paths. extra credit [2 pts] How can the Eustachian tube permit equilibration of air pressure, since it is not held open by cartilaginous rings or their equivalent? Why is it important for our health that this auditory tube is NOT secured open in this way?

4. [10 pts] Your left arm is throbbing. You eat some magic medication (water soluble) which is supposed to rush straight to the problem (not the brain!) and fix it. List - in order! - the structures through which this magic medication will pass to get to your arm. E.C. [1 pt] how would this answer be different if your right arm hurt?

5. [5 points] A snake bit your nose (OK - my nose) (How embarrassing, as well as painful!). Trace a path the venom would take to your/my brain. E.C.: Describe another - different (not just left/right - there have to be different name(s) involved) path. 1 pt each additional path.

6. [5 pts] How does insulin get from where it is made to the liver (a major target,by the way!!)?

Medications may be administered in several different ways. In the following questions, you will describe the different routes that substances could follow for proper delivery to their site of action.

7. [15 pts] Rabies shots are administered to the abdomen. Depending on exactly how deep the injection is, the vaccine might be delivered to the peritoneal cavity or the body wall. Trace the route to the heart from: (start with what sort of vessels)

a. injection into the peritoneal cavity -- entry into mesenteric blood vessels

b. injection into peritoneal cavity -- entry into lymphatics

c. subcutaneous injection -- entry into lymphatics: note especially how this differs from (b)

d. how would the route differ (and which of the above would it most resemble) if the medication were eaten? Why do you think it needs to be injected instead of eaten? e. sometimes medications are administered using an aerosol spray which is inhaled: describe route

8. [10 pts] List the structures through which gametes would travel from their origin until a successful fertilization occurs; then follow the conceptus to birth (just locations, not its development). Mention the important accessory organs and their functions, along the way. [This can be a list - do not worry about sentences]