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HUMAN ANATOMY - BIOL 11                  EXAM 4 - May 19, 1997             NAME:


NOTE: this exam has 150 points available (actually 154 + bonus).

( It is worth 200 in the syllabus grading structure, so your score will be x 4/3)

Part I: [50 pts]: Choose the one BEST answer. Circle its letter, write it in the blank, or fill in the blank, as indicated. Read each question and all the choices carefully because more than one answer might seem correct at first glance. For the non-standard questions, read instructions carefully! 1 pt each

1. The serosa of the abdominal gastrointestinal tract is the
a. epi-intestine
b. tunica media
c. parietal peritoneum
d. greater omentum
e. visceral peritoneum

2. Surgical cutting of the lingual frenulum would involve which part of the body?
a. salivary glands
b. tongue
c. nasal cavity
d. upper portion of the esophagus
e. pharynx

3. In order to reach a the root of a tooth from the oral cavity, a tooth-eating bacterium must go through (in order):
a. dentin - enamel - gingiva
b.enamel -cementum - pulp
c. enamel - dentin - periosteum
d. dentin - gingiva - periosteum
e. enamel - dentin - pulp

4. Which of the following organs is attached to the anterior abdominal wall?
a. pancreas
b. stomach
c. liver
d. duodenum
e. none of the above

5. The connective tissue lining that surrounds the lungs is called the
a. mediastinum
b. pleura
c. pulmonary mesentery
d. pulmonary ligaments
e. pulmonary hilum

6. The cervix
a. is between the uterus and the urethra
b. is part of the vagina
c. must open to allow birth of a baby
d. can close to block passage of sperm
e. must open to allow urination

7. The circulatory system is a closed system except in the
a. liver
b. spleen
c. heart
d. a and b
e. all of the above

8. Which of the following statements is NOT true about mesentery?
a. it is continuous with the visceral peritoneum
b. it contains many blood vessels
c. it encloses all abdominal organs
d. it contains many nerves
e. it is attached to the dorsal body wall

9. Surfactant
a. is secreted by septal (type II) cells
b. allows water (or aqueous solution) to spread out rather than bead up
c. production or non-production may be the most critical factor in survival after premature birth
d. a and b
e. all of the above

10. The peritoneum covers the
a. entire digestive tract
b. entire abdominal digestive tract
c. entire abdominal digestive tract except part of duodenum
d. stomach and large intestine only
e. kidneys, liver, spleen only

11. In which of the following structures is smooth muscle NOT significant?
a. bronchioles
b. colon
c. stomach
d. tongue
e. uterus

12. The intensity (volume) of a vocal sound is a result of (mostly)
a. force of air passing over the vocal cords
b. tension of the vocal cords
c. shape of the vocal cords
d. shape of the laryngeal cartilage
e. size of the laryngeal cartilage

13. The esophagus passes through the diaphragm through an opening called the
a. esophageal sphincter
b. esophageal hiatus
c. cardiac sphincter
d. diaphragmatic hiatus
e. The esophagus does not go through the diaphragm, it goes around it

14. The epithelium of the esophagus, liver, trachea, and thyroid is derived from the
a. endoderm
b. mesoderm
c. ectoderm
d. a and b
e. all of the above

15. A renal papilla
a. is where about 30 collecting ducts empty into a minor calyx
b. as at the apex of a renal pyramid
c. is part of the blood vascular system of the kidney
d. a and b
e. all of the above

16. Urethral glands
a. regulate urine flow
b. regulate sperm production
c. secrete mucus
d. are found only in males
e. are found only in females

17. The region of the pharynx easily seen through an open mouth is
a. oropharynx
b. nasopharynx
c. laryngopharynx
d. all of the above
e. none of the above - it can not be seen easily

18. The pitch of a vocal sound is a result of (mostly)
a. force of air passing over the vocal cords
b. tension of the vocal cords
c. shape of the vocal cords
d. shape of the laryngeal cartilage
e. size of the laryngeal cartilage

19. An obstruction in the hepatopancreatic ampulla (ampulla of Vater) would affect the ability to transport
a. bile and pancreatic juice
b. gastric juice
c. salivary amylase
d. the contents of the stomach into the duodenum
e. the contents of the small intestine into the large intestine

20. In the kidney, blood travels from efferent arteries to
a. peritubular capillaries
b. vasa recta
c. glomerular capillaries
d. a and b
e. all of the above

21. Food enters the large intestine through the
a. gastroesophageal sphincter
b. pyloric sphincter
c. cardiac sphincter
d. sphincter of Oddi
e. ileocecal sphincter

22. Food enters the small intestine through the
a. gastroesophageal sphincter
b. sphincter of Oddi
c. cardiac sphincter
d. pyloric sphincter
e. ileocecal sphincter

23. The uvula
a. prevents food from entering the nasopharynx
b. prevents food from entering the oropharynx
c. prevents food from entering the larynx and trachea
d. prevents air from entering the oropharynx
e. prevents air from entering the esophagus

24. The epiglottis
a. prevents food from entering the nasopharynx
b. prevents food from entering the oropharynx
c. prevents food from entering the larynx and trachea
d. prevents air from entering the oropharynx
e. prevents air from entering the esophagus

25. When the diaphragm lowers during breathing
a. the chest cavity increases in volume
b. the chest cavity decreases in volume
c. the pleural cavity decreases in volume
d. more pleural fluid is formed
e. air is expelled from the lungs

26. A lacteal
a. is a lymphatic vessel
b. drains mostly lipids from the digestive tract
c. drains all nutrients from the digestive tract
d. a and b
e. a and c

27. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the large surface area of the small intestine lumen?
a. plicae circularis
b. villi
c. lacteal
d. microvilli
e. length of the small intestine

28. At ovulation, the egg
a. moves from the ovary directly into the Fallopian tube
b. bursts from the center of the ovary into the abdominal cavity
c. implants into the uterine wall
d. breaks from the surface of the ovary into an area surrounded by the broad ligament and the fimbriae f the Fallopian tube
e. dies

29. Blood passing through the sinusoids of a lobule of the liver is brought to the liver by the
a. central vein and hepatic vein
b. hepatic vein and hepatic portal vein
c. hepatic artery and hepatic portal vein
d. hepatic artery and hepatic vein
e. hepatic artery

30. Blood passing through the sinusoids of a lobule of the liver is drained from the liver by the
a. central vein
b. hepatic vein
c. hepatic portal vein
d. a and b
e. all of the above

31. Air may be forced into the lungs by
a. contraction of the diaphragm muscle
b. contraction of the external intercostal muscles
c. raising the ribcage
d. a and b
e. all of the above

32. Prostate tumors become increasingly common as men age. Which of the following would NOT be a likely direct result of prostatic enlargement? [I know I didn’t tell you this --- think about it!]
a. decreased rate of urine flow
b. partial sterility due to decreased semen production and flow
c. pyelitis - inflammation of the renal pelvis due to urine stagnation
d. pain, discomfort
e. impotence (inability of penis to become erect)

33. Both the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct empty directly into
a. subclavian veins
b. cisterna chyli
c. superior vena cava
d. subclavian arteries
e. axillary lymph nodes

34. Lymph nodules are
a. encapsulated with connective tissue
b. large aggregates of lymphocytes
c. the same as lymph nodes
d. found only in the throat area
e. found only in the ileum and colon

35. Which of the following is NOT a major site of lymphatic tissue?
a. tonsils
b. adrenal gland
c. spleen
d. thymus
e. lymph node

36. Erectile tissue is found in all of the following EXCEPT
a. corpus spongiosum of the penis
b. corpora cavernosa of the penis
c. corpora cavernosa of the clitoris
d. penile urethra
e. all of the above contain erectile tissue

37. Micturition
a. is the voiding of urine from the kidney
b. is the voiding of urine from the urinary bladder
c. occurs only in males
d. is completely under voluntary control
e. is completely under involuntary control

38. A renal column
a. is cortical tissue which extends down into the medulla
b. is medullary tissue which extends up into the cortex
c. contains mostly loops of Henle
d. contains mostly collecting ducts
e. drains into a minor calyx

39. Which structure appears first in the development of the kidneys?
a. metanephros
b. mesonephros
c. telonephros
d. pronephros
e. cloaca

40. Which of the following statements about the liver is FALSE?
a. it is typically found only on the right side of the body
b. it receives blood directly from the intestines
c. its upper surface rests against the diaphragm
d. most, but not all of its surface is covered by peritoneum
e. normally most of it is under the ribs

41. The male urethra passes through which of the following structures?
a. prostate gland
b. seminal vesicles
c. corpus cavernosum of the penis
d. vas deferens
e. all of the above

42. The female reproductive organ homologous to the male penis is the
a. labia minora
b. labia majora
c. vagina
d. clitoris
e. there is no female organ related or similar to the penis

43. Which of the following can NOT be an ectopic site of embryo implantation?
a. Fallopian tube
b. abdominal wall
c. broad ligament of the uterus
d. intestinal wall
e. uterine endometrium

44. Which of the following does NOT release products during sexual activity?
a. testes
b. prostate
c. bulbourethral gland
d. seminal vesicle
e. corpora cavernosa

45. During most of fetal life, the testes are located
a. in the scrotum
b. posterior to the parietal peritoneum
c. within the thoracic cavity
d. in the pelvic cavity
e. the testes develop very late in fetal life, so they aren't present at all during most of it

46. A single primary spermatocyte develops into
a. four spermatozoa by mitosis
b. four spermatozoa by meiosis
c. two spermatozoa by mitosis
d. two spermatozoa by meiosis
e. one spermatozoan by meiosis

47. A single primary oocyte develops into
a. four ova by mitosis
b. four ova by meiosis
c. two ova by mitosis
d. two ova by meiosis
e. one ovum by meiosis

48. The ovary, Fallopian tube, and uterus are suspended from the dorsal body wall by a fold of peritoneum, the
a. round ligament
b. broad ligament
c. mesovarium
d. ligamentum teres
e. falciform ligament

49. What is the function of the mesovarium?
a. helps direct sperm to the ovum
b. nourishment of developing eggs
c. suspends ovary from body wall
d. protects uterus
e. all of the above

50. During early fetal life, where are the female gonads (ovaries) located?
a. in the thoracic cavity
b. in the same position that they are found in the adult
c. within the abdominal cavity
d. in the pelvic cavity
e. ovaries develop later, and are not found during early fetal life

II. Short answer -- 4 pts each -- choose 12: For each of the following regions describe the epithelium lining the lumen and how its structure is related to its function. Also mention the overall structure of the lumen e.g. fairly flat, thrown up into protrusions (name the type) or into depressions, and whether there are prominent glands, etc ...

1. esophagus

2. pharynx

3. stomach

4. small intestine

5. large intestine

6. oral cavity

7. nasal cavity

8. ureter

9. trachea

10. alveolus

11. vas deferens

12. capillary

13. Fallopian tube (oviduct; uterine tube)

14. seminiferous tubule

III. Shorter answer -- 2 pts each -- choose 6: Briefly describe the functions of the following

1. ovary

2. epididymis

3. kidney

4. corpus spongiosum

5. corpus cavernosum of the clitoris or penis

6. prostate

7. uterus

8. spermatic cord

Part IV: List the described structures for male and female:

1 point each _ _

1. gonad

2. gamete

3. passage for urine

from kidney to bladder

4. passage of urine

from bladder out of body

5 -10. passage of gametes

out of gonad -

whole pathway to "outdoors"

V. Short essay. Choose 2 [12 points each]

1. Describe the path of blood and the path of urine through the kidney [Just a list, in order, with arrows...]

2. Describe the major structural features of the following. Be sure that your descriptions allow the reader to distinguish each category of structure:

a. trachea

b. major bronchi

c. minor bronchi

d. bronchioles

e. respiratory bronchioles

f. alveolar ducts

g. alveoli

3. Describe the embryonic development of the urogenital system enough to explain that in the male, the reproductive system and urinary system open through the same passage, while in the female the two systems open though different passages.

bonus: Write a question that you studied for, and forgetful me, I neglected to ask. Answer your question. PLEASE ask yourself something you can answer well! PLEASE answer the question you actually ask. [up to 5 points awarded based on question & answer]