Sets of 3 multiple choice questions
per topic drawn from the material covered by the exam.
Each question must have 5 possible answers. The correct answer
must be indicated (the easiest way is to put a symbol such as *
next to the letter, or to circle the letter by hand if you
prefer.) Please do NOT put an answer key list at the end.
1 point for each group of 3 multiple choice questions
[ 7 possible points]
- chapters
1, 2, 3: anatomical position, planes, directions, body
cavities, regions, organs found therein, etc, cells/
[embryology not on this exam]
- chapter
4: epithelia
- chapter
4: connective tissues
- chapter
5: integument
- chapter
7: axial skeleton
- chapter
8: appendicular skeleton
- chapter
articulations (NOT synovial joints, except in broad terms;
focus on the other categories)
You may work on these assignments in your study groups, but each
student is responsible, individually, for completing each
assignment. If they are handed in jointly, all names MUST appear
on the assignment, and there MUST be a commensurate multiple of
the assigned questions ( e.g. if two people work together =>
6 multiple choice questions per chapter/topic).