List of Slides for Bio 11 lab exam III S-2022

this list is guaranteed not to be exhaustive or complete

students are responsible for tissue identification in any context

Note: use your time looking at models as well as slides

DO NOT use lab time for work you can do anywhere, e.g. studying book or on-line images
DO use books and internet as resources to study models and slides
– be sure to look at slides at ALL (permitted) magnifications - not just high power
NEVER the oil immersion (white stripe) lens

1.  Find and identify the 12 cranial nerves on any of the models in the lab

2.  Recognize and distinguish (microscopically) the 3 types of muscle tissue - see below
3. Be able to identify all the parts of a nerve and a neuron in any view or section
4. Be able to identify all the parts of the spinal cord in cross-section, including meninges and vertebra if shown
5. Be able to identify all the parts of the eye in any view or section
6. Be able to identify all the parts of the ear in any view or section
7. Be able to identify each of the required endocrine glands and their major features & characteristics
In all cases:   organ & tissue ID; cell types; blood vessels, nerves, epithelia, connective tissues, subcellular components (e.g. nuclei, other specialized structures; plane of section if relevant (e.g. x-section, longitudinal section) ...   and

slide #
most likely required structures; see notes above
7107 esophagus
smooth muscle X-sect & longitudinal; blood vessels, nerves, ganglia, CT, etc
7122 striated muscle, teased
motor end plate; striations, myonuclei, axon, myelin, node of Ranvier, myofiber
7123 striated muscle: ts, ls
muscle spindle, striations, myonuclei, myofiber, sarcomere &  components [not in x-sect]; layers of CT; small nerves and blood vessels
7124 human striated muscle
striations, myonuclei, myofiber, sarcomere & components [not in x-sect]; layers of CT; small nerves and blood vessels
7125 human smooth muscle
nuclei, CT, tissue ID - standard
7201 cardiac muscle
intercalated discs, nuclei, CT, tissue ID - standard
7207 motor end plate, NMJ
motor end plate = neuromuscluar junction; striations, myonuclei, axon, myelin, node of Ranvier, myofiber
7223, 7308
(human) hypophysis; pituitary  pars nervosa, pars distalis, pars tuberalis, pars intermedialis, colloid in follicle
7301 cochlea (ear)
everything labeled in lab manual
7302 nerve cells - SC smear
 perikaryon, best guess axon or dendrite; glia versus neuron
7303 spinal cord - silver stain
 perikaryon, best guess axon, dendrite, glia versus neuron; anatomy of spinal cord (see # 7401) - lumbar region
7304 “sciatic nerve”
 this is just an example of a "peripheral" (are there other kinds?) nerve - do not try to memorize the slide as “sciatic nerve”
7306  cerebellum
white matter, 2 layers of gray matter: molecular layer & granular layer, Purkinje cell
skeletal muscle x-sect & longitudinal; taste buds, epith, CT, bvs, nerves
7401 spinal cord & ganglion
central canal, 3 columns, 3 horns, 3 commissures, motorneuron, pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater, nerve rootlets, anatomy of peripheral nerve, DRG is present; ant. fissure, post. sulcus, etc.  (see intro - above)
7422  mammalian spinal
ganglion & nerve
nerve (and parts), myelinated neurite, ganglion cell perikaryon, satellite cell, CT layers
7423  human spinal cord -
thoracic region
see 7401  (not necessary to recognize cervical versus thoracic, etc levels)
7424 human spinal cord -
cervical region
see 7401  (not necessary to recognize cervical versus thoracic, etc levels)
7522 eye- anterior &
posterior portions
retina list # 7523 ... and ... conjunctiva, cornea, lens, iris, ciliary body, ciliary muscle, ciliary processes, suspensory ligament of lens, lens, pupil, posterior cavity (vitreous body), anterior cavity with ant & post chambers
7523 retina - silver stain
all layers of retina: photoreceptor (& ID cone, rod, photoreceptor nuclear, external/outer plexiform, bipolar cell, internal/nner plexiform, and ganglion cell layers, optic nerve, fovea, optic disk, pigment epithelium, choroid, sclera
    endocrine system: ID    organ, regions, specific structures: hypophysis, pancreas, thyroid, adrenal gland
and review sensory receptors  
slide number
slide name most likely required structures; see notes above
7223, 7308 (human) hypophysis; pituitary pars nervosa, pars distalis, pars tuberalis, pars intermedialis, colloid in follicle
thyroid gland
follicle, colloid, follicle cell, parafollicular cell (between folicles)
adrenal gland medulla, zona glomerulosa, z.  fasciculata, z.  reticulosa
7420, 7509
pancreas islet of Langerhans = pancreatic islet; exocrine pacreas, connective tissue region distinguished from islet; Pacinian/lamellated corpuscle
skin Meissner's corpuscle

cardiovascular system: heart (muscle above), blood vessels [and find in any slide], blood

slide number
slide name most likely required structures; see notes above
artery & vein
also look for examples of these in all slides
blood smear
all blood cells (incl. platelets)
sickle cell anemia
for your interest only