PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 11 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, as well as access to additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. |
of cell biology
This is an online version of The Dictionary of Cell Biology, (editors J.M. Lackie and J.A.T. Dow. Academic Press, London) with a searchable index where you enter keywords relating to cell biology |
On-Line Biology Book |
This site, maintained by QUILL Graphics, has a variety of multimedia material (i.e., images, animations, and video) dealing with various aspects of cell biology. There is also a collection of links to other Web sites concerned with cell biology, microbiology and pathogens of humans. |
This site allows you to navigate through a plant cell, looking at different levels of magnification. It also includes a number of animations of the chemical processes |
Developmental Biology Online |
Biology Project
The Biology Project from the University of Arizona is an "online interactive resource for learning biology" and contains a number of modules that include detailed tutorials and numerous quizzes. These materials are among the best available on the web dealing with introductory biology. The cell biology module includes a basic introduction to cells, discussion of the cell cycle & mitosis, meiosis, comparison of prokaryotes, eukaryotes & viruses, and the cytoskeleton. |
KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes
& Genomes A bioinformatics resource intended to enable a computational approach to investigating higher level complexity of cellular processes and organism behaviors from geneomic and molecular information. Includes detailed information about metabolic pathways: enzymology & genetics. |
Primer on
Genetics (Department of Energy)
This is a primer on molecular genetics constructed by the Department of Energy. It has good introductions to genes, DNA, chromosomes, etc., as well as a decent glossary |
A Gene Map
of the
Human Genome
This site contains genetic mapping information from the Human Genome Project. Genetic map locations are correlated with cyctogenic band maps in a graphic and pictorial manner. You can find information and the location of many genetic disorders and conditions. |
Genome Project
Another page maintained by the Department of Energy. This is a good directory to a lot of information related to the Human Genome Project (e.g., databases, specific labs, etc.). |
Blazing a Genetic
This online document produced by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute discusses several issues relating to the inheritance and study of genetic disorder including how mutations in DNA occur, how and why DNA sequences are studied by researchers and how different types of generic disorders are inherited. There is also a useful illustrated key to genetic concepts as well as a glossary. |
Biology Quiz
This is a fairly challenging quiz on all aspects of molecular biology (not just genetics, although much of it does concern aspects of genetics). You must register before taking the quiz by providing a name, title and email address, although all of this information can be fictitious if you prefer. The quiz draws from a pool of questions so you can take it more than once and receive different questions. The quiz was developed by the the Waksman Student Scholars of the Waksman Institute at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. |
From the main page: "Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes and chromosome abnormalities. The purpose of this Cytogenetics Gallery is to give you the opportunity to see what chromosomes look like under the microscope and how abnormalities of chromosomes are identified." There are nice graphics here showing what human chromosomes look like (e.g., normal karyotypes), genetic abnormalities (e.g., chromosomal inversions) and how chromosomes are studied (e.g., examination of banding patterns ) |
the Instruction Manual for All Life
This is an online exhibit from the The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose, California and discusses various basics concepts of DNA and how functions as the molecule of heredity. Particularly interesting is the "Zoom into DNA" feature which allows the user with successive mouse clicks to move from the level of the individual down to the level of the DNA molecule |
This great site was an entry in the ThinkQuest competition (ThinkQuest is an annual international contest where students and teachers interact to produce web-based material on specific subjects) and provides a nice introduction to molecular and Mendelian genetic principles. |
Biology Project: Molecular Biology
The Biology Project from the University of Arizona is an "online interactive resource for learning biology" and contains a number of modules that include detailed tutorials and numerous quizzes. These materials are among the best available on the web dealing with introductory biology. The tutorials are broken down into molecular genetics of prokaryotes, nucleic acids, recombinant DNA technology, and eukaryotic gene expression. |
Visible Embryo |
The JayDoc HistoCD is a histology atlas that corresponds with the laboratory exercises of the Cell & Tissue Biology course of the School of Medicine of the University of Kansas. The HistoCD provides succinct explanations of the tissues to guide the first-year medical student in the use of their microscope. |
Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education
This resource based at the Health Sciences Center of the University of Utah includes hundreds of images of human gross anatomy (e.g., normal liver) and medical conditions (e.g., cirrhosis of the liver). Most images have associated descriptions and this site also provides tutorials, laboratory exercises and self-testing materials on aspects of gross and microscopic pathology. |
Path Web
This site is based at the University of Connecticut Health Center and provides searchable databases containing images of human organs (e.g, "Browse Organs") and the gross and microscopic effects of a wide range of diseases (e.g., "Browse General Disease Processes"). |
NPAC Visible Human Viewer
This site uses images from the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human Project to illustrate aspects of human anatomy. Required: Java-enabled browser |
Anatomy On-line
The content on this site allows the user to interactively explore human anatomy. There are several clickable images that provide detailed information about structures in the human body and animations that describe various processes. Also available is a tutorial on general human anatomy. |
Center for Human
The Health Sciences Center of the University of Colorado provides this site that has a nice collection of images and animations dealing with human anatomy. The image gallery has images of several actual and simulated body parts, while the animation and movie galleries have resources emphasizing particular anatomical features. There are also an online browsers for the Visible Human Male and Visible Human Female. Recommended: QuickTime plugin for movies |
The Virtual Body
This resource from Columbia/HCA Healthcare Corporation contains a number of basic interactive tutorials on human anatomy: the brain, the digestive system, the heart and the skeleton. (Our favorites are the digestive system and skeleton where you can reconstruct each system by clicking and dragging parts to their proper locations.) There is also a number of web links associated with each organ and system |
Whole Brain
This is a fantastic resource on all aspects of brain anatomy and disease. The real strength of the site is the enormous collection of images of normal human brains and brains suffering from various diseases (i.e., cerebrovascular disease ("stroke"), tumors, degenerative diseases, and inflammatory and infectious diseases). Most images are provided in a format where the user (you) can easily change the characteristics of "slice" through the brain that you are viewing. The site is also enhanced with many QuickTime movies showing particular aspects of brain function and anatomy, and there is a quiz of brain anatomy and introduction to the "Top 100 Brain Structures". The site is maintained by the Medical School at Harvard University. |
& Physiology Home page (BIO 201)
This is the home page for a course at Gateway Community College. On this site are a number of very good interactive tutorials on various aspects of anatomy and physiology including human skull, vertebrae, hands, muscles, brain, cranial nerves and histology. |
This site from Department of Anthropology at California State University, Chico allows the user to click on various parts of the human skull to learn more about each bone. There are also good three-dimensional animations of each part of the skull which can be manipulated by the user. |
This site contains materials associated with histology lectures prepared by Dr. Oliver Bögler of the Department of Anatomy of the Medical College of Virginia at Virginia Commonwealth University. The content is drawn from PowerPoint presentations and includes individual treatment of the histology of the cell, eye, ear, muscle, skin, and nervous system. Dr. Bögler also maintains a brain tumor biology laboratory webpage which provides information about the research performed in his lab and extensive information about the biology of brain tumors. |
Heart: An Online Exploration
The Franklin Institute provides this introduction to the anatomy and functioning of the human heart. The site draws upon resources developed in-house but also effectively uses images and information at other sites. Topics include development and structure, information on monitoring your heart health and an introduction to the history of heart science. Many of the subject areas are supplemented with resource materials and enrichment activities. There is also a brief glossary of heart-related terms. (The main page automatically produces the sound of a beating heart and you may soon feel like the fellow in Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" if you remain there too long!) |
The Virtual Anatomy Project at Colorado State University is creating a database of 3D images of the human body. Currently the site has a collection of MPEG animations of various body parts. Most interesting is the VA Image Browser which allows the user to select an anatomical structure and have the browser produce an animated rotation of that structure. Recommended: QuickTime plugin |
Seeing, Hearing &
the World
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute provides this detailed treatment of human senses. The document starts with a general discussion of how the brain interacts with the sense organs to collect and interpret information. This is followed by detailed and separate discussions on hearing, seeing and smelling; included in these sections are examples of how senses can be fooled and how and why things do not work quite right in some people. Finally, the role of brain imaging techniques in aiding our understanding of the functioning of our senses is discussed. |
Titled as an "illustrated guide to the essential basics of clinical neuroscience", this resource from the School of Medicine at Washington University is a very good, illustrated introduction to the basics of human neuroscience. The site is divided into seventeen sections which include central visual pathways, hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system, and spinal motor structures . The figures and photographs are high quality and contribute greatly to the effectiveness of the site. |
Lab: ELISA Assay
As the name indicates, this is a highly interactive introduction to the running of an ELISA assay to detect the presence of a particular antibody in a patient's blood. The tutorial provides a very good introduction to the biology of the technique before the lab is run and then has the user "perform" the assay by manipulating virtual lab equipment onscreen. Some of the steps are more cute than necessary but overall this site is well constructed. Required: Shockwave plugin and Javascript-enabled browser |
Gray's Anatomy of the
An online version of the 1918 classic text of human anatomy by Henry Gray, this resource has over one thousand of the original engravings. The text is also searchable or can be used via the hyperlinked table of contents or subject index |
& Physiology Tutorials
This is a nice collection of tutorials on human anatomy including heart, muscles, brain, and vertebrae. Required: Javascript-enabled browser |
This site might not be for everyone, although there are relatively few grisly photos. The site is actually quite interesting as it introduces the user to what autopsies are and how they are conducted. The core of the site is a set of eight case histories that provide actual background information and autopsy results. The user can then evaluate this information and decide upon a cause of death. Developed by the University of Leicester. |
Biology Project: Immunology
The Biology Project from the University of Arizona is an "online interactive resource for learning biology" and contains a number of modules that include detailed tutorials and numerous quizzes. These materials are among the best available on the web dealing with introductory biology. Tutorials include an introduction to immunology, discussion of antibody structure, introduction to HIV & AIDS, and three case studies. |