Biochemistry and molecular biology are rapidly growing and changing fields.  They epitomize many scientific fields in that ideas and information are frequently replaced by new information and interpretations.  In order to keep up, it is important to read the research journals in which scientists report their research results and their interpretations of their own, and others' work.  These reports are often highly technical, and by their nature are usually narrow in scope.  One can keep abreast fairly well, although not quite as up-to-date, by reading "reviews".  These are secondary sources.  Some are written by professional journalists or "science writers".  Others are written by the same people who are actively involved in cutting edge research.

The assignment is to read the article assigned to you in a return email from assignment 1b, or, if not, by specific email request.  In a short (estimate, about a page) essay, include all the following components.  Read all the instructions before writing your essay, and follow the instructions.  Essays may be returned for rewriting if this is deemed necessary.  You may, and should, ask someone else to read your essay at least for grammar, and for content if possible, BEFORE you turn it in.  This is equally true whether you turn it in on paper or electronically.
1. Brief  (approximately one paragraph worth) summary of the main points in the article (from the author's point of view). - do not try to go into detail, just write what the article was about, in your own words. 

2. The one or two points which you found most important, interesting, intriguing, or new to yourself.

3. At least one issue or question which follows from the work described i.e. what the next step might be.

4. At least 1 future implication (e.g. medical) of this work.

5. At least 1 ethical implication of this work  (or its future potential as discussed for #4).

6. How the material presented in the article relates to some issue other than what is specifically mentioned by the author.

7.  Citation using an acceptable format for science journals.  Do not cite every statement in the essay; this is your own essay in your own words.

☞    Please note that you are asked to summarize the topic, not to review or describe either the article or the author(s).  DO NOT QUOTE.  Use your own words to summarize the material, and then to respond to it.  Use the questions outlined above as guidelines to organize your essay. 


All essay-type homework assignments must be typewritten (printed) - preferably using a word processor - and proof-read.  It is advisable to have as many people as possible read your essay before printing the final draft, so that it will have as few errors, and be as well-written and understandable as possible.  Spelling, typographical, and grammatical errors are unacceptable, so proofread your work.

It is unnecessary (and wastes trees) to use a cover page, or any blank pages front or back.  Covers are also unnecessary (and undesirable).  Be a minimalist: just put your name, date, and some indication of which assignment you are completing as a heading, as follows:

Biol 99   HOMEWORK # - and due date -      YOUR NAME
(any appropriate title, or citation* of works being summarized or other relevant information)
    * always use a proper citation format - see link on website for guidelines

using email for submission is always acceptable