Molecular Biology &
Biochemistry - Biol 99
“Portfolio”: Metabolism
For all components of the
“portfolio” assignment series:
• hand drawing is required
• any explanations longer than a
sentence must be typed
• labeling and short explanations may be
neatly handwritten
• everything must be neat and legible
• drawings should be sufficiently large
and spread out that all components are easily distinguished and
sufficient detail is included
• nothing may be cut and pasted from
hard copy
sources or electronic sources
VIII. Regulation of the glycolysis
due 10th class
session [11/10/11]
• include each step of glycolysis
• write the molecular form for each component
• include any molecule entering or leaving the
pathway as a reactant or product
• include one or two-headed arrows designating
reversible or “irreversible” reactions, as appropriate
• highlight (in some fashion) each step in which
“high energy” molecules are consumed or generated
• for each regulated step, show the reaction that is
• include any molecule involved in the regulation
• show which reaction (or component of a reaction) is
up- or down-regulated
• make clear which molecules up- or down-regulate
which step (and in which direction)
IX. Regulation of the Krebs cycle
12th class session [11/15/11]
• include each step of the TCA cycle
• write the molecular form for each component
• include any molecule entering or leaving the
pathway as a reactant or product
• include one or two-headed arrows designating
reversible or “irreversible” reactions, as appropriate
• highlight (in some fashion) each step in which
“high energy” molecules are consumed or generated
• for each regulated step, show the reaction that is
• include any molecule involved in the regulation
• show which reaction (or component of a reaction) is
up- or down-regulated
• make clear which molecules up- or down-regulate
which step (and in which direction)
X. Regulation of the electron transport
chain and oxidative phosphorylation
due 13th class session [11/17/11]
• include each step
• include any molecule entering or leaving the
pathway as a reactant or product
• include one or two-headed arrows designating
reversible or “irreversible” reactions, as appropriate
• highlight (in some fashion) each step in which
“high energy” molecules are consumed or generated
• highlight (in some fashion) each step in which
protons move across a membrane, and the direction
• keep track of electrons
XI. Tracking carbons through glycolysis and the citric acid
due 14th class session [11/17/11]
• trace the path of each carbon in one glucose
molecule until its release as CO2
• be sure to indicate (label) and track each carbon
• how many “rounds” of the TCA cycle are required
until all the carbons of a single glucose molecule are released as CO2
? Be sure you can back up your answer
XII. Other molecules that feed into glycolysis and/or the TCA
due 15th
class session [11/22/11]
• include each step in both pathways
• include any molecule entering or leaving the
pathway as a reactant or product
• indicate where each amino acid, nitrogenous base,
and lipid derivative can enter the pathway
XIII. Other molecules that derive from glycolysis and/or the TCA
due 15th
class session [11/22/11]
• include each step in both pathways
• include any molecule entering or leaving the
pathway as a reactant or product
• indicate where each amino acid, nitrogenous base,
and lipid derivative is derived from the pathway (the exit point)
XIV. Catabolism of lipids: fatty acids and glycerol (see XV for
due 19th class session [11/22/11]
XV. Anabolism of lipids: fatty acids and
20th class session [11/22/11]
• include each step
• write the molecular form for each component
• include any molecule entering or leaving the
pathway as a reactant or product
• include one or two-headed arrows designating
reversible or “irreversible” reactions, as appropriate
• highlight (in some fashion) each step in which
“high energy” molecules - and which ones (include high phosphoryl
transfer potential and redox types) - are consumed or generated